To continue the theme from recent weeks I am proud to present the latest in my series of mindless waff…..errrrm…topical issues that have wrestled ahead of DC Lego sets, practical jokes to play on the kids and reasons to tell my wife as to why a PS4 is a necessary purchase to the forefront of my mind, here goes:
3 points lost but 1 point gained
What a peculiar situation. With our home form, the return to fitness of Daniel Sturridge and the wonder that is Luis Suarez it is fair to say that an expectation of 3 points was not at all unwarranted, yet the feeling after the game (aside from disappointment) was that is was a point gained.
Were we overconfident? Did we underestimate? Or was Rodgers just too keen to get Sturridge back in the side without replacing an attacking player. Probably a combination of the 3 as Villa are no mugs, they have won at the Emirates and beaten City at Villa Park this year.
They won the early midfield battle and the pace of Weimann and Agbonlahor sublimely complimenting the presence of Benteke we were torn apart. The continued struggle against physical forwards is a worry with Lukaku and possible Traore coming soon, although I think Sakho returning will help.
A huge plus to be taken from the game is that no matter how awful we are we maintain a constant threat, Sturridge’s goal is testament to that. Always remember to find some positives…!
To dive or not to dive
In all honesty I can not believe I am even having to think about this incident, particularly in a weekend where Rafael attempted to fly, Wes Brown’s Inspector Gadget legs left Gaston Gas-ping (sorry) and David Moyes, at 3-0 down thought the introduction of Chris Smalling would make a difference, but here we are, in a world ruled by rent-a-gob pot stirrers and an unhealthy obsession with all things Uruguayan.
Stan Collymore (more on him in a bit) in a Katie Hopkins inspired moment decided beyond doubt (and of course without Villa goggles on) that Suarez dived…..oh yeah, almost forgot, this was supported by 69% of people in an internet poll! We all know internet polls are infallible, I mean Jamie Pollock is the most influential man of the last 2,000 years (seriously go check out THAT own goal, amazing).
If we ignore the contact made by Guzan, the rule book, the thoughts of prominent ex-players, referees and respected football journalists then yes Stan it was a dive. Such a shame similar polls have not been conducted on the actual punished ‘dives’ from Oscar, Ramires, Barkley, Defelou, Januzaj, in fact its fairly safe to say Suarez in one incident he was fouled has generated more attention and media space than all others booked for diving this year combined.
If you are unaware of Mr Collymore I would probably not try too hard to acquaint yourself with him. His idea of ‘debate’ seems to follow the lines of – all those who agree with me say ‘aye’, all those who disagree with me say ‘I sell drugs to kids’.
His twitter feed comprises of sychophantic retweets or obnoxious trolls retweets in and around opinions which are presented as indisputable facts. As with anything in life, if you don’t like just ignore, but the point I want to stress is that some of the abuse levelled at the man is outrageous and disgusting and not fit to come from a human mouth (fingers) let alone someone claiming to be an LFC fan.
If levelling abuse at another is you bag then so be it but the man has lived a life so full of misdeeds and naughtyness that there is no need to reference his skin, mental health, threaten his life or that of his family. All those that do, at the very least need a long hard look at their life, pathetic.
Collymore has his own opinions, which he likes to shout and works for an employer who encourages controversy to make cash, trying to engage is pointless so ignore and personally I will thank him for giving me the greatest football moment I have ever witnessed live in person!
Time to spend some Lucas(h)
It was apparent before the Villa game that to continue our push for a top 4 finish would struggle without reinvestment and that was before Lucas was introduced and subsequently limped off. Love him or loathe him, whether it was an introduction as him as a player or the position, but it was this that made the difference.
It is also hard to argue past a midfield 3 of Lucas, Allen and Henderson being our best so far this year, and this is from a big Stevie fan. The top 3 look to have pulled away, City and Chelsea are untouchable because of the financial backing they have (and which is continually unchecked and leads to a stockpiling of players, 23 on loan from Chelsea is it?), and Arsenal for the first time in years have actually kicked on.
Fourth spot in my mind is Spurs to lose, the money they invested and 4th has to be the absolute minimum. Even before Sunday a dominant central midfielder was needed, even with the Lucas injury we could get away with one, but this is a must.
Left back to is a huge issue, Cissokho at times resembles Bambi on ice but more worrying seems to lack trust from his team mates. Our defence as a whole is a worry, Toure and Skrtel do not look comfortable together, Johnson is a shadow of his former self and the form and confidence of Mignolet has suffered as a result, we are beginning to resemble a Kevin Keegan Newcastle side, ‘just try and score more than them lads’.
Make no mistake we are in a big fight for a top 4 finish and a ‘Saha/Nelsen’ type of window will see us fail to capitalise on a fantastic start.
I could go on but if you have made it this far im sure you are glad I didn’t! Please comment on any of the topics or raise your own and come find me on twitter @timdibs
Yes it is waffle , mindless waffle and it’s damn boring. Get another hobby.
My hobby isn’t writing the articles it’s collecting pointless comments! Thanks for adding to my collection!
You get them because you write pointless articles . You think your articles are funny – but they are not ! They are painfully stupid .
Can’t please all the people all the time Liam, thanks for reading though
Brendan is fsg’s muppet cos am sure a top manager will not agree to field this type of squad.Deceiving us with top 4.Keeping Moses on the bench when our remaining one sub was crying for a match winner against A’villa.Am sure deep inside Brendan’s heart he knows this team is lacking quality subs.People in my hood now call me looserpool.
So Tim do you still think Aspas is gonna come good? Tick tock tick tock….. Haaaa haaaa!!!!
Dullard tim thinks everyone will come good given time and patience
Read his comments last year concerning allen Borini assaidi.
No doubt tim will spew some waffle about Aspas ‘needing time to settle’ …or ‘its difficult to adjust to PL’ or some such nonsense.
Hahaha Dullard, one of the more 1920’s put downs that have been used on me!
I have never said EVERYONE will come good given time, I have said that players once here need time to settle IF they are to come good, a player should be judged once he has departed the club.
I said exactly the same about Henderson, that’s worked out ok hasn’t it. Allen is a top player and should play an important role for us. Borini’s 1 season for us ravaged by injury so how can you judge? He is getting game time at Sunderland and getting confidence as with assaidi at stoke, will it be enough to come back for us? Who knows, but I’m not writing them off.
At least I argue and support my point
Never stated that he would come good stated that no player should be judged so soon, but hey don’t let facts get in the way…
No you dont have any points. You just make up dumb excuses with no logic. The fact that you said Allen is a top player proves this . Ha ha ha ha
Excuses? Where are these per chance?
I am a big fan of our Captain but i seriously think his time is up. We played our best games when he was out injured around December. Lucas, Allen and Herndo were immense. Now that Lucas is out we deffo need a DM in ths transfer window. We also need RB and LB
Allen immense ? Ha ha ha haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa.
Looks like Tim Williams is up to his old tricks of writing comments while pretending to be others . Classy
Says the guy referring to himself as ‘realist’. If you don’t like Allen that’s up to you, others do, deal with it.
And in reply to Dennis, I’m not so sure Stevie’s time is up, he is an asset to the side, the trick is now to find a position and formation to triumph his positive and disguise his flaws. Although apparently this is arguing with myself! By the by, thanks for the promotion if this piece on twitter Dennis, appreciate that
You dont use other names on this site ,to spread your nonsense ? Ha ha ha ha
I am overwhelmed with the mountain of evidence you have to support your accusation!
I’ll ask again. Do you use another name(s) to post with on this site ?
I remember you used to post all the time until people got fed up and accused you of trolling . And seen as how you love nothing better than chatting football , well I presume you use a different name ?
No I don’t, do you?
I have no reason to hide my name or shy away from my opinion, if you agree, magic, if you don’t I won’t lose any sleep.
An accusation of trolling against me is ludicrous, I am never offensive or rude, I merely appreciate a discussion where people support their opinion.
Should I be honoured or concerned that you seem to chart my activity? I hate to break it to you but I am married.
If you have concerns regarding trolling or users using different names then please contact the editor, he is fully aware of everyone who registers to comment so can verify your accusation or put your mind at ease, also, like all normal human beings despises trolling and abuse so that rightfully would require action.
Ha ha ha ha ha
Not only are you this site’s biggest fool , but you are a total li ar as well. Your kids must be very proud of their dad .
It’s amazing the things one can check/find on the internet if one knows what they are doing
Care to be man enough and admit your other name ?
I think it’s nice that you bring my kids into this, very classy, your continued accusations based on no evidence show an unhealthy obsession with something so trivial.
I have nothing to hide my friend, no reason to lie, not desperate enough for attention to fake comments, you don’t like my stuff up to you, some do, up to them! Your voluntary choice to read them.
Ha ha ha ha . Still lying ?
You always say you love nothing better than chatting football , so why did commenting on this site’s other articles ? Strange that since you were very very active then you stopped.
I have no interest in your articles either way , I don’t read them , but my interest was piqued when I discovered what a pathetic li ar and hypocrite you are .
Another author agrees with me, S Gerrard is rubbish. What can he do apart from taking penalty ?
That’s the beauty of football, differing opinions. Gerrard has an excellent range of pacing and that ability to get stuck in and inspire, an important figure a the club! Shouldn’t be underestimated the role he played in Suarez staying.
Yet he is not the player he was, no longer a box to box and no longer the pace and sharpness. To allow him the opportunity to dictate and boss a game he needs the right players around him, those players need to be mobile, agile, have pace and energy, this is why Lucas doesn’t work in the same midfield. He also would require 2 there in my opinion, with our current squad it would be Henderson and Allen.
Ha ha ha ha . Still lying ?
You always say you love nothing better than chatting football , so whydid you stop commenting on this site’s other articles ? Strange that since you were very veryactive then you stopped.
I have no interest in your articleseither way , I don’t read them , butmy interest was piqued when I discovered what a pathetic li ar and hypocrite you are .
useless yanna,can your father split a defence with a pass? Stevie did that!
Ha ha ha ha . Still ly ing ?
You always say you love nothing better than chatting football , so why did commenting on this site’s other articles ? Strange that since you were very very active then you stopped.
I have no interest in your articles either way , I don’t read them , but my interest was piqued when I discovered what a pathetic li ar and hypocrite you are .
Should read . Why did you STOP commenting ?
Tim Williams has been online for hours but wont respond to my question , hmmmm. Go on tim , man up , answeer the question then tell everyone what name you have been pretending Isn’t you for nearly a year
My previous comment actually awaiting moderation! I find it concerning you seem to cyber stalk me! Of choice of hobby!
I have answered your daft question again and again yet you repeat it without any actual evidence.
I can categorically state I have never posted an article nor a comment in any other name than my own. Let that be the end of this boring and monotonous episode!
For someone who doesn’t like me writing or opinion you spend a lot of time watching my twitter feed and this site for my involvement!
Not cyber stalking . Exposing a hypocrite and a li ar. Ha ha ha . Your very pathetic for continuing to li e . I shall type proof when I have a minute
Whatever floats your boat mate! Watching live4liverpool and twitter or my activity is not at all weird or stalker like! I’m flattered.
Not a lot of time . 1 hour yesterday when I realized what you have been doing
And today going by your post 6 hours prior! Plus your Apparent dossier of my commenting history! Strange and worrying.
This is an opinion based website not really worth you getting so upset about it let alone wasting your time e-watching me
Don’t care about your opinions , your welcome to them . I find what you have been doing pathetic and hypocritical . You act all pure and sanctimonious but you dont even have the decency to admit what you’ve been doing for nearly a year now. Im simply exposing a fraud and a coward.
You are getting very rude and very offensive my friend. You have offered up no proof and persist with attacking me on a personal level. If you want to continue, I there is really nothing else in your life that is more important then cut out the personal insults and comments about someone you do not know and have not met and offer up some sort of evidence.
The irony is not lost on me that I offer up both my real name, identity and twitter details and am called a coward by someone who refers to themself as ‘realist’
Aaah but you havent been using your real name , thats the point . Proof later when I have time like I said . Until then get back to your sad life on Twitter.
Ahhh my sad life on twitter ok fella. This is very boring, you have been rude about me, rude about my family, stalked me on this site and on twitter, I have, since you first commented on this article for proof, which you have never provided! Time doesn’t appear to be the issue as you freely admit to watching me for an hour on twitter! What a sad life I must lead eh!
Patience tim , patience. I don’t have time right now . Maybe I’ll wait for your next article .
… And yeah . You have a unbelievably sad life . Hours and hours you spend every day discussing nonsense like ‘was that offside’ or some such thing . It bored the tears out of me . You need to get out more , you have been putting on weight.
Whatever floats your boat my friend. If it keeps you warm at night thinking I’m a liar and a hypocrite then so be it!
I have never been hugely active on the site commenting on articles bar my own! The one time I have was following a request from the editor as it was a juicy subject, so as a favour I did! And before you ask, under my own name!
You don’t ill or read my articles so why reply? Do you have nothing else to do?
I also see you have yet again avoided the question of proof, Nevermind! To be honest we have both probably wasted far too much time on a pointless conversation