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Are Genuine Football Fans Being Held To Ransom?


The rise in ticket prices is a bitter pill for football fans to swallow but I can’t but help but lean towards the fact it’s something clubs have to do. This is something that was always going to happen, and it will happen again in the future. The increases vary from one club to another and can be scrutinised in different ways, I think QPR have taken it too far with their increase, but the bigger clubs have tried to be as fair as possible. Then again I suppose you could question why the big clubs, who have just qualified for the Champions League and all its entailed riches, need to make the price increases for the forthcoming season?

I wouldn’t put the increase in ticket prices solely down to the current financial climate but I do feel it has played a part. Most clubs do value their supporters and try to find a happy medium between prices that are fair for them and the club. It just shows that as much as football supporters wouldn’t be able to live without their beloved teams, the clubs need the fans and their money just as much.

The article was written by Tom MacGregor for FootballFancast.com. Make sure to check out the latest news, blogs and podcasts at FFC – ed.

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  • Erling says:

    ST holder at Anfield, so can’t complain too much about the rise, but nowadays it’s really the TV paying the money and not us fans buying tickets and merchandice!! I think they would even earn more if we weren’t there,just think how much they could save on staff, police, stands and it goes on. It might end up that way one day! 🙁 Probably also why many clubs don’t take much note of their fans!!

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