View from the Kop

The Waiting Game is Almost Up

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The tick tocking clock of justice is seemingly in its countdown phase.  We are approaching the day when hopefully the truth is released regarding events at Hillsborough.  With such a potentially momentous week I did not want to talk about football as the daily trials and tribulations that walk hand in hand in football and the support of your team pail into insignificance when compared to those horrific events 23 years ago.

People will have their own recollections of that fateful day whether it be first hand experience at the scene or watching and listening on from afar in tears, in shock, in horror.  I was not at Hillsborough that day but can recall my experience as if it were yesterday and the upset and sadness I felt then and still feel now is nothing compared to those directly connected and I just hope and pray that this week brings the answers these people deserve.  Whilst the hole this event left can never be filled I hope against hope that answers are delivered and that the truth can bring some sort of closure for those involved first and foremost. 

The release of the truth should also squash the institutionalised ignorance surrounding what happened that day helping to clear the smoke and mirrors as well as the downright lies that have been perpetuated.  In my experience there is a great many with no real knowledge of events that have concluded that it is simply fans to blame, and I am sure I am not alone amongst Reds to challenge these opinions with the hope of educating and bringing about an understanding and empathy to the cause.   Generally the response I have received is gratitude that I have helped ‘open their eyes’ as it were, mixed in with a tinge of regret over their prior thoughts, and this is an important process that has been undertaken by Reds for 23 years and counting. 

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Yet it is with a heavy heart and a disparaging view of society that I still see ‘trolling’, antagonising and just downright hatred continually carried out by those who simply do not like Liverpool.  Simplicity is often the best medium to adopt when viewing a situation to gain perspective, and at Hillsborough 96 people attended a football match never to return home.  96 people. 96 Human beings, men, women and children. It matters not the town they are from, the team they support, the colour of their skin, their religion, their sexuality, their race, it was 96 Human Beings.  The loss of a single life should never be viewed as trivial enough to be used to abuse another or to provoke another, let alone 96.  This tragedy could have struck any team and very nearly did a number of years previously where Spurs fans were lucky to escape similar circumstances. 

Some try to justify their abuse  by claiming revenge for ‘Munich Songs’ for example, but lets get this straight, those who sing such songs are just as moronic.  When tragedy strikes, in whatever form it manifests itself, the aftermath far outweighs something as petty as club rivalry.  When lives are lost in a footballing environment, whether it be Munich, Heysel, Hillsborough, Istanbul, Bradford, Marc-Vivien Foe, it is the football fraternity that have lost innocent souls not just the club.  Actions of so called ‘trolls’ or in this instance anti-LFC berks coupled with the sensationalism and money first, questions later attitude of those in a position to influence – such as the paper I wont name and the heartless man I refuse to name – that kick those when they are down and pick away at open wounds never allowing the healing process to fully take over.  These people should be ignored, but words are a powerful weapon that given the right platform and sensitive subject matter can cut deep.

As ever my thoughts and prayers go out to those directly involved, to those who have campaigned for years, for those who have felt the heartache that fateful day brought about.  I want them to know that they will NEVER WALK ALONE.  This will be a tough week for all connected with the club as 23 years of hurt is brought to the fore but be strong, and walk on with hope in your hearts.

Thank you for taking time to read my piece and lets never forget that day and never forget the 96 who will forever be in our hearts.

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  • brian b says:

    Well Said, God Bless and may the truth shine through.

  • mo_wire says:

    Excellent . JFT96 it’s been a long time coming

  • bob says:

    i agree with you for once tim . i must say though after so many years that nearly all fans eyes are already open , people realise the truth now and only the extremely ignorant choose not to acknowledge it .

    • Tim Williams says:

      Cheers Bob! I just hope questions are answered and a wide audience can see without a shadow of doubt!

      Also hope the trolls will have a little bit of decency and show some respect, but unfortunately I doubt it

  • David Tyrer says:

    Great post, Tim – so glad that the truth that we’ve all known for the past 23 years is finally laid bare for all to see.

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