EVEN though the Hillsborough Independent Panel cleared her of any direct involvement in the absolutely horrific cover up following the disaster, Maggie Thatcher will forever be associated with the fallout, arrogance and recalcitrance in the days following the biggest cover up in British legal history.
Following her death at the age of 87 on Monday, the country has been divided. Some actively celebrate, some mourn, and some are in between.
But I think it’s fair enough to say that not many tears will be shed on Merseyside on that day or any other day for the loss of she who is seen as the figurehead of the authoritarian shame of Hillsborough.
However, I think that it is extremely important that our fans turn the other cheek on Saturday in our game at Reading and do not give anyone a chance to throw a speed bump under the wheels of justice.
The Justice Campaign has never had this momentum, with the progress in the last 12 months being made at an almost eye watering pace. Even in the past month, although he is very likely to escape any kind of formal justice, “Sir” (and I use that term VERY loosely) Norman Bettison was exposed as being a liar. Irvine Patnick was exposed for being a liar before he met his maker, where he no doubt dines next to Thatcher this evening. The Inquest verdict was quashed and will be reheard later this year.
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We are on the precipice of justice. And what is worth its weight in gold is that with the exception of the deluded, public support is heavily in our favour. The press also are at our back, propelling the issue into the wider public.
So let’s keep it that way. It’s just as easy to lose such goodwill and support in a short space of time. The emotive subject of someone’s death should never, for me, be used as part of any football chant. I abhor the concept of it, and I am quick to criticise any such chants from other teams as well as other fans.
I don’t want to hear any chants regarding Thatcher’s death at Reading. Whilst I’m not suggesting it would cause a landslide against us, I just don’t want the no doubt outraged right-wing press to get their teeth into anything at all.
I am with Margaret Aspinall of the HFSG: “I have no feelings towards her either way.”
Wise words. I have always said that politics and sports don’t mix. So publically or privately, say what you will about Thatcher. I just don’t want to see any possible ammunition being used against us, not with justice being so close. The time will come when we can stick the boot into all, but let’s turn the other cheek for now.
Justice will be ours.
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Ding dong the witch is dead
Yeah guys, lets keep our thoughts to ourselves. It will look really shit on the city if we’re celebrating a death whilst mourning and campaigning for justice for 96 others. It DOES NOT MATTER that the circumstances are completely different, so don’t say that. The press will paint them as the same. Liverpool as a city AND a club do not need the negative attention. Reading fans may even attempt to goad us. On one of their forums I saw a link to sing There’s only one Maggie Thatcher to get a rise out of us. It’s been taken down now, but expect it and don’t take the bait.
Well said. We the liverpool family have experienced 24yrs of grief. Do the decent thing & let a family grieve their loss.without the vitroil that is being dished out. It makes us no better than the scum that tarnished the names of our lost loved ones. In this coming week we of all people should have more understanding than most. Ynwa
Frankly, I think we are being a little too optimistic that justice is coming our way. The scum who lied (including Thatcher) and got away with it managed to evade justice for over 23 years. Despite the report exonerating Liverpool fans of any blame in the Hillsborough disaster I will not believe anything this or succeeding governments do or say until I see those responsible for the lies and cover-ups jailed, fined or both! I witnessed the disaster on TV and remember the reports and witnessed LFC fans trying to save the victims while policemen stood idly by. I also remember a Liverpool fan shouting at a reporter live on BBC TV that “dozens of fans are dead in there” in a thick scouse accent, and seeing a shocked Des Lynam trying to embarrassingly claim the report unreliable. If the authorities could get away with “murder” in front of millions of views live on TV, what chance have we of getting justice 23 years later on, despite what Cameron said! Personally, I think that apology in the House of Commons is the nearest we will ever get to justice. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG JUSTICE SYSTEM!!!
if we keep quiet, justice wont’ be done. justice only comes to those who stand up and take action, never keeping quiet.
The families who stood up and made their voices heard got this far. if we support them and the more support they get, then justice will be victorious.
Moderation. Where ,show compassion. Dont follow a political line. Follow a heart this could be your mother, father sister brother?????
Anyone. Who witnessed this tragic day knows the truth. I cried watching in helpless disbelieve as did my wife with no allegiance either way. In shock &horror. Thatcher was not present, but by all acounts responsible??? what happened in the aftermath remains questionable. Dont let your politics cloud your judgement. Show your compassion &prove you are better than the scum that tarnished us. Lfc for ever ynwa
Found on facebook
Margaret Thatcher’s daughter pickpocketed her as
she lay on her bed dying, her son urinated on doctors
trying to resuscitate her, and many of her family
turned up at her death bed very drunk and without a valid ticket!
It’s not thought that Thatcher was responsible for Hillsborough. At the closest it was junior members of the government. It was a police cover up, but even still, whether she was or not – we sing about Thatcher being dead at the match, that’s the campaign for justice dead. Who are we relying on to give us justice? The powers that be. You ever done someone a favour who throws everything back in your face? That’s what they’ll see it as. I’m not saying to keep quiet about the campaign for justice, but have some class and keep quiet about Thatcher. Her role in Hillsborough is questionable at best. She’s dead now, she’s irrelevant to our future.
Walk on.